……………………………………………………刘君仪, 邓 明(1)
基于模板匹配的二维图自动生成算法研究…李 鹏, 王华昌, 李建军(5)
振动工况下压铸模锁模力的分析…江 帆, 冯均明, 区嘉洁, 萧仲敏(11)
…………………………张 璐, 俞 翔, 牛 强, 柳 伟, 周雄辉(15)
…………………………………陈 梅, 孙 筱, 张 燕, 黄朝华(22)
…………………………徐 虹, 仝晓辉, 谷诤巍, 于 婷(26)
CP型汽车离合器盖总成翻卷边铆接模设计………严正峰, 李盖华(31)
差厚激光拼焊板焊缝偏移产生的原因与控制方法…曹 彪, 魏阿梅(35)
基于Dynaform的高压舱顶板模拟与制造……………安 剑, 吕安松(39)
铰链左右臂零件成形工艺与模具设计………田 博, 陈西凤, 刘汉雄(43)
M6发生器支架冲压工艺与模具设计………………朱 超, 胡兆国(49)
…………………………………………魏国哲, 尚欣坤, 常 新(54)
双缸洗衣机桶体注射模设计与制造………张 平, 邓开平, 王 涛(56)
手机盒套注射模设计………………杨 军, 程 利, 周娇红, 景晓阳(61)
……………………………曾育贤, 赵建亮, 王丁强, 尹延磊(65)
……………………………………刘兆栋, 黄晓红, 孙玮光(69)
期刊基本参数:CN 45-1158/TG*1975*m*A4*80*zh*P*
¥10.00*15 000*19*2014-01
Information of die & mould industry…………………(Ⅰ-Ⅳ)
Research status and development of polymer film lubrication in sheet
drawing………………………………LIU Jun-yi, DENG Ming(1)
Die and mould CAD/CAM
Automatic generation algorithm of 2D diagram based on template
matching……………………LI Peng, WANG Hua-chang, LI Jian-jun(5)
Analysis on clamp force of die-casting die in vibration working condition
…………JIANG Fan, FENG Jun-ming, OU Jia-jie, XIAO Zhong-min(11)
Pro/E-based development of intelligent design system for injection
mould base………ZHANG Lu, YU Xiang, NIU Qiang, LIU Wei,
ZHOU Xiong-hui(15)
LabVIEW-based development of temperature fuzzy controlsystem for
plastic extruding machine barrel
……………CHEN Mei, SUN Xiao, ZHANG Yan, HUANG Zhao-hua(22)
Technology of stamping and punching dies
Control of drawing springback of top plate and analysis of influencing
factors…………XU Hong, TONG Xiao-hui, GU Zheng-wei, YU Ting(26)
Design of flanging riveting die for automobile CP-typed clutch cover
assembly………………………………YAN Zheng-feng, LI Gai-hua(31)
Cause of weld offset in laser tailor welded blanks with different
thickness and its control methods ……………CAO Biao, WEI A-mei(35)
Dynaform-based simulation and manufacture of hyperbaric chamber roof
…………………………………………………AN Jian, Lǔ An-song(39)
Forming process and design of forming die for left and right arm of hinge
……………………………TIAN Bo, CHEN Xi-feng, LIU Han-xiong(43)
Structure design of lancing work station in progressive die…LU Hua-yin(46)
Stamping process and design of progressive die for bracket in M6 generator…
……………………………………………ZHU Chao, HU Zhao-guo(49)
Application of secondary floating cutter structure in trimming die
for metal sheet………WEI Guo-zhe, SHANG Xin-kun, CHANG Xin(54)
Technology of cavity moulds
Design and manufacturing of injection mould for double-cylinder washing
machine barrel…………ZHANG Ping, DENG Kai-ping, WANG Tao(56)
Design of injection mould for mobile phone box shell
…………YANG Jun, CHENG Li, ZHOU Jiao-hong, JING Xiao-yang(61)
Design of slider mechanism with accelerating and delaying
core-pulling functions…………ZENG Yu-xian, ZHAO Jian-liang,
WANG Ding-qiang, YIN Yan-lei(65)
Compression moulding process and design of compression mould for
vehicle bogie rubber ring……LIU Zhao-dong, HUANG Xiao-hong,
SUN Wei-guang(69)
Die and mould manufacturing technology
PowerMILL-based local back chipping strategy of die component
…………………………………………………………XIAO Ai-wu(72)
Talent training
Thinking of teaching reform in the course “Mechanical Drawing” for………
vocational college………………………………………MA Jia-meng(75)
Patents for die and mould………………………………………(45、53、68)
Sponsor: Guilin Electrical Equipment Scientific Research Institute CO.,Ltd.
Editor/ Publisher: Editorial Department of "Die & Mould Industry"
Add: No.8 Dongcheng Road, Guilin 541004, PRC
Tel: +86-773-5888405 5888145
Fax: +86-773-5888375
E-mail: mjgy2008@qq.com
Http: //www.moulds.com.cn